Webinar “4D Write to 4D Write Pro Migration”

Use a 4D Write Pro area, manipulate 4D Write Pro documents, program the 4D Write Pro object and migrate your existing ones.
2 hours (2.30 pm to 4.30 pm)
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Chapter 1: What's changing, what's evolving, and what's next
Setting up and using 4D Write Pro area's properties and attributes , printing documents, and storing 4D Write Pro documents
Chapter 2: More concise and structured programming
Discover the main commands for 4D Write Pro ... an object like any other. Create your own tools and interfaces
Chapter 3: Migration of the existing, co-existence of 4D Write and 4D Write Pro
Open and convert existing 4D Write documents, modify programming to take advantage of 4D Write Pro.
Chapter 4: Tips and Examples