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Iut Robert Schuman integrated into France's University of Strasbourg in 2009, with nearly 42,000 students and over 5,200 employees. For over forty years, the institution has represented five specialties: Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Computing, Communications and Marketing Techniques.

A worlwide company established in Europe, the USA and more recently in Canada, Ubiqus has for over 20 years offered services helping organizers of professional meetings. This B2B company implements intellectual services such as notetaking, translation and interpretation services as well as IT solutions for events.

UCL (the Catholic University of Louvain) has existed since the 15th century. The university is internationally reputed thanks to its two primary disciplines: education and research. The internationalization of higher education is a big challenge which UCL is facing, with heavy recruitment of teachers, researchers and students.

The ASET laboratory information management system developed by 4D Partner has been a driver for change in military biomedical science. It has had a dramatic effect in reducing man-hours associated with massive transfusions for patients with battlefield injuries, as well as increasing blood product availability during peak periods.

The Laboratoire Archéologie et Territoires belongs to a CNRS joint research unit (UMR CITERES) and to the Université François Rabelais de Tours. One of the main purposes of the LAT research laboratory is to train students in archeology who would move on to state institutes (such as CNRS, University, INRAP), in community services or in private companies dealing with archeology.

The central office of the University of Zurich Student Union (ZSUZ) is committed to the interests of students and provides students at the University of Zurich, academic institutions, the surrounding schools and other interested customers with quality products and services at competitive prices.

VIP manages licensing rights derived from high-profile properties, nationally and internationally, primarily for television, publishing, toys, film and design and architecture around the world, including image rights for Sarah Key, George of the Jungle, Casimir, T'choupi and La Grande Arche de la Défense image in Paris, among others.

A leading distributor of architectural hardware in Washington's Seattle and Puget Sound area, Washington Architectural Hardware distributes commercial doors, frames and door hardware primarily for use in new construction. The company's 4D database allows it to manage inventory, project schedules, contract values, invoices, and billing projections.

4D serves as the backbone for the Weather Services division of Weather Central. Forecasts for the company's various clients are created, stored and disseminated via 4D. The system is also the centerpiece of Weather Central's automation programs that are used to produce weather pages for newspapers across the United States.

Wedding Presents Direct have been using 4D to run their successful wedding list business since the mid-90s. Couples can register on-line, manage their lists and see who has bought what for their future wedding. Guests can view the wedding list on-line and purchase items from it. Gift vouchers can also be bought and redeemed.